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Direct Mortgage Investment Checklist

Direct Mortgage Investment Checklist

Follow this simple checklist to complete your first investment with Hosper Mortgage.


  1. Complete our  Know Your Client Form (please allow 15 seconds for the link to load)
  2. Specify how you would like your investment registered (i.e. in your legal name, jointly with your spouse, under a corporate name, etc.)
  3. Provide scans or photos of valid IDs for all parties being registered on title. (also include Articles of Incorporation if you are investing under a company)
  4. Provide your bank account details so we can pay you monthly (See: How to Obtain and Provide Your Banking Details)
  5. E-Sign the required investment documents (A SignNow link will be sent to your inbox, and PDF copies will be sent to you upon completion)
  6. Fund your investment. (See: How to Fund your Direct Mortgage Investment)

Not so complicated when you break it down, right? Even better news - future investments become progressively easier. We will keep items 1-4 on file and only steps 5 and 6 will be required for subsequent investments.

Please note you can update any of the above information at any time by emailing your Hosper Representative.