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What is an RRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Plan)?

What is an RRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Plan)?

An RRSP, or Registered Retirement Savings Plan, is a type of account that allows individuals to contribute pre-tax income, which can grow tax-free until withdrawal.

 It’s a popular retirement savings tool in Canada, designed to help Canadians save for their retirement in a tax-efficient manner.

Benefits of opening RRSP

  • Spousal RRSP: Helps with income splitting in retirement. This can lower the overall family tax burden by shifting income to a spouse who may be in a lower tax bracket during retirement.
  • Tax sheltered growth: Interest, dividends or capital gains earned inside the RRSP grow tax-free until they are withdrawn, allowing for effective compound growth.
  • Tax deductible contributions: Contributions are tax deductible meaning it can reduce your taxable income for the year.
  • Income smoothing: Withdrawals from an RRSP are designed to be made in retirement when your income is generally lower, potentially putting you in a lower tax bracket and reducing the overall amount of tax paid on the withdrawals.
  • Contribution room carry forward: If you don’t use all your contribution room in a given year, it carries forward indefinitely, allowing you to make larger contributions in future years when you might have more disposable income.
  • Government benefits: The HBP (Home Buyers' Plan) allows you to withdraw funds from your RRSP to buy or build a qualifying home,. The LLP (Lifelong Learning Plan) lets you withdraw funds to pay for your own or your spouse’s education.

Maximize your RRSP

  • Contribute regularly: Setting up automatic contributions can ensure you’re consistently adding to your retirement savings, taking advantage of dollar-cost averaging, and reducing the impact of market volatility over time.
  • Invest: Use your RRSP in investment products, such as mortgage investing and use the power of compounding to optimize growth and manage risk. Use Hosper Compound Calculator.
  • Plan for withdrawals: Strategically planning your RRSP withdrawals can help minimize taxes in retirement. Aim to withdraw funds when you are in a lower tax bracket to reduce the amount of tax you pay.  

Maximizing your RRSP involves regular contributions, smart investment choices, and strategic planning. By taking full advantage of the tax benefits and government programs available, you can grow your retirement savings effectively and ensure a more secure financial future. Start early, invest wisely, and review your plan regularly to make the most of your RRSP. 

To discuss your personal financial goals email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (647) 277-6509.