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The Grandparents Scam

The Grandparents Scam

Scammers are getting quite sophisticated. They’re now using AI technology to mimic people’s real voices.

This hit close to home recently when my grandmother, whom I call "Ya-Ya," called me in a state of confusion. She started the conversation halfway in, asking where I needed the money and if she should talk to the officer. I had no idea what she was talking about. Initially, I thought she was confused.

As I pieced together the situation, it became clear that someone had called her pretending to be me. The AI mimicked my voice and even used personal details, such as calling her "Ya-Ya." The imposter claimed I was in trouble and needed $9,000 to get out of jail. Thankfully, my grandmother called me to verify, and we quickly realized it was a scam. Watch the video. 

As technology evolves, so do the tactics of scammers. AI-powered phone scams are becoming increasingly common and sophisticated, making it crucial for everyone to be aware and vigilant. Here are some tips to help you recognize and protect yourself from AI scams:

  1. Always verify the identity of the caller, especially if the conversation involves personal or financial information. If the caller claims to be from a known organization, hang up and call the organization directly using a number from their official website.
  2. AI scammers often ask for sensitive information or immediate action. Be cautious if the caller requests personal details, passwords, or financial information. Legitimate organizations will not ask for such information over the phone.
  3. AI-generated voices, though sophisticated, may have subtle inconsistencies. Pay attention to unnatural pauses, repeated phrases, or robotic intonations. If something feels off, trust your instincts.
  4. Many smartphones and telecommunications providers offer call-blocking and identification services. Utilize these tools to screen unknown numbers and block suspicious calls.
  5. Spread awareness among your family and friends about the risks of AI scams. Share your experiences and tips to help others stay vigilant.
  6. If you receive a suspicious call, report it to your telecommunications provider and relevant authorities. This can help track and mitigate the activities of scammers.

James Grantis, Co-Founder of Hosper Mortgage.