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Richardson Law Professional Corporation

Richardson Law Professional Corporation

Richardson Law is a Toronto-based real estate law firm specializing in private mortgage transactions. 

Our principal lawyer has been practicing law since 2004 and specializing in private mortgage transactions since 2011. Richardson Law’s team of lawyers, law clerks, and paralegals complete all the legal due diligence, registrations, and mortgage enforcement for all Hosper transactions.

Watch: Do I need my own lawyer?

6 reasons why Hosper has partnered with Richardson Law to protect your investment(s).

  1. Richardson Law handles thousands of mortgage files annually, including 100% of all Hosper Mortgage closings, discharges, and enforcement files. We work closely and are in daily contact with the principal lawyer and team.
  2. Richardson Law and Hosper Mortgage are independent firms with separate ownership and licensing. Richardson Law is accountable to the Law Society of Upper Canada and has a fiduciary duty to every client they represent.
  3. Despite the independent ownership and licensing, over the past 5 years we have built extremely efficient and compatible business processes. Both companies operate from a shared office tower, working as office neighbours on the same floor.
  4. Our entire investment process can be completed remotely. However, we offer every investor the option to meet with our principal lawyer prior to your first transaction. Hosper investors can contact our principal lawyer directly at any time with questions pertaining to an ongoing transaction, or mortgage lending in general.
  5. All legal costs associated with your investment are paid by the borrower. If a mortgage is canceled or otherwise cannot proceed, Hosper will cover the cost, not the investor.

If you would like to get in touch with Richardson Law’s principal lawyer, your Hosper Investment Service Representative will happily connect you. No question is too big or too small – We’re happy to help.


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