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Hosper wins GOLD 3 years running! 2022 Brokers on Lenders

Hosper wins GOLD 3 years running! 2022 Brokers on Lenders

Hosper won GOLD as Canada's Top Alternative Lender of 2022 (our 3rd year standing)! Over 1,000 brokers across Canada responded to the "CMP Brokers on Lenders" survey

and we're very excited to share the results with you.

October 7, 2022,

CMP October 2022 Issue

I'm an investor… why does this matter to me?


  1. Powerful publicitylike this influences an increase of deals submitted to Hosper, leading to more quality mortgage investment opportunitiesapproved and available to our investor network.
  2. Industry recognitionmakes us more notableto banks, real estate law firms, and private lenders, which can help us navigate challenging situations or win back business.
  3. By exceeding broker expectationsin service, Hosper does not have to compete solely on price; this allows us to deliver stronger returnsto our investors.

How Hosper ranked against the competition

How did our awards this year compare to last?


Hosper has seen tremendous results from the CMP Awards over the past few years. We're excited to show you our progress and dedication as we come closer to achieving our ultimate goal: "To be the best alternative to a traditional bank."