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Are condos a good investment?

Are condos a good investment?

Our investment partners often express wonder: is a condo unit good collateral for my investment? In short, the answer is yes!

Here are 4 reasons why condo investment opportunities from Hosper are a good choice.

  1. Valuationis generally more precise. Condos have very similar builds, making recently sold comparable units relatively accurate to rely on for market value, especially comparable units within the same building.
  2. There is growing demand for affordable housing in Ontario, and condos fill that gap.
  3. Large, unexpected household expenses typically fall under the condo corporation's responsibility rather than the unit holder. Condo fees force homeowners to budget for these property expenses. Occasionally, clients borrowing on non-condo properties tell us that a large unanticipated home expense (i.e., replace furnace, replace shingles, etc.) is the reason for missing their payments.
  4. Each condo's status certificate is reviewed by our lawyer on every deal to ensure there is minimal to no risk with the condo corporation.

To put it simply, condos are a suitable investment choice whether you are a first time investor or are looking to diversify your portfolio.

If you are looking for a new investment, please connect with your Hosper Investment Service Representative. We are happy to help!